7 Core Considerations To Constructing A New Money Story

7 Core Considerations To Constructing A New Money Story

Think you can, think you can’t; either way you’ll be right.” ~ Henry Ford

If you’ve been reading my blogs or following me on social media, then you’ve likely become familiar with the debilitating effects money blocks can have on your success with money and in life. Perhaps you’ve started uncovering some of your own money blocks and you’re now at the point where you are ready to write a new money story?

If that’s where you find yourself that’s great. But regardless of where you may be on your journey shattering the invisible boundaries over what’s possible for your life and creating a financially empowered life designed around your purpose, you’ll appreciate the wisdom from this article on things you should take into consideration that I learned from Dave, one of my mentors.

7 Core Considerations To Constructing A New Money Story

1. Disengage from “what might have been.”

If you attempt to reenter an old story and acquire what you missed in the past; it won’t work because it is no longer the past. I wasted a lot of time and energy lamenting over all of the reasons why despite my best efforts, I was unable to acquire a CPA firm in the past. Little did I know then that acquiring a CPA was not a part of God’s plan and purpose for my life. Looking back, it’s amazing how every door I thought I was to walk in to acquire those firms, was “magically” close shut for one reason or the other

By focusing on what might have been, you lose today and tomorrow. “If only” fantasies erode the power of today and expend energy that could be better served pursing your purpose for tomorrow. I know from personal experience that when you let go of the past, you reclaim your aliveness in the present.

2. Coming to the end of your past and even resolving emotional issues isn’t enough.

Gaining insights from your past and even resolving the self-limiting beliefs and attitudes that held you captive to an unsatisfying and unfulfilled life is great. However, you can’t get stuck in the moral victories of resolving all of the emotional baggage from your past. You have to harness all of that energy and use if for something good.

You have to have a purpose, a dream, in order to give hope a blueprint. To live a satisfying and fulfilled live, your next act has to be built around your purpose. The fire, passion and discipline that purpose gives you is what will not only sustain you on the journey ahead, but also help you overcome every obstacle while keeping hope alive.

The plot and strategies forged from your new money story provide the organization. The goals you set will provide the direction.

3. Have a “big picture” of your money story and bring it into focus whenever necessary.

The big picture consists of your own ideals and principles, and objectively organizing your life and decisions according to what you believe to be in your best interest. We’re talking about the rest of your life here so let’s take the time to set ourselves up for success.

Start by getting absolute clarity on your purpose. Why do you exist here on planet earth? What’s the one thing you do uniquely well that you’d do even if you weren’t getting paid? What are you passionate about? What did you used to dream about doing as a kid?

For example, my purpose is help clients overcome the magnetic pull of limiting beliefs from their past, so they can take action on present opportunities to create a financially empowered life, designed around their purpose, that brings immense success satisfaction and fulfillment beyond even their wildest dreams

Then work on getting clear about your vision. What are all of the different ways you are going to bring your purpose to pass? Will you be working as a solopreneur? Will you work with partners? What specific initiatives will you engage in? Who’s your target market? What are the different ways you can serve them.

For example part of my vision entails working with solopreneurs, small business owners, coaches, professional practice owners and executives. Some of the ways I’ll serve them will be working one on one with them in a coaching, mentoring or consultancy capacity. I’ll also work with them through my group coaching programs, online courses, summits, conferences, speaking engagements etc. etc.

Lastly, work on identifying specific goals that will support your vision and ultimately serve your purpose. Make your goals SMART….specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time sensitive.

For example, when I was working on developing as a speaker, I set a goal to complete being certified by the John Maxwell Team by a specific date and did. As part of that goal, I wanted to be one of the finalists to speak on the stage at his biannual international certification events and though I didn’t make it to the stage, I did make the Top 10 list, which was the last phase before they picked 3 people to speak on the stage. Making the top 10 was a huge accomplishment for me back then.

The beauty of having complete clarity of your Purpose, Vision and Goals (“PVG”) is that it’s the safest way to avoid falling victim to the ‘shiny object syndrome’….something I’ve fallen victim to many times in the past. As you journey into living into your new money story, while the next right thing may not always be clear to you, I can assure you that if you have clarity on your “PVG,” you will always be clear about what the next right thing isn’t. If that next thing isn’t in harmony with your PVG, instantly you know you can confidently say NO to that shiny object being proposed to you.

4. Distinguish need from want and establish priorities

A need is an essential requirement, a necessity for mind, body or spirit. Think food, water, shelter, community etc.

Wants (wishes and desires) are replaceable with other wants, but a need cannot substitute for another need. Remember my earlier story about purchasing HIS and HERS Mercedes Benz while on my journey to becoming debt free? That was clearly a want that I somehow convinced myself was a need back then. The sad thing about wants is you can never get enough of what you don’t need. Think about it, do we all need a new smart phone every 12 months?

Priorities are about getting clarity about what is really important to you? Every day of your life, you will redefine and refine priorities, and make decisions based on this fundamental question. As you make those decisions, remember to prioritize plans and pursuits based on core values and needs. Again, did I really need those HIS and HERS Mercedes Benz vehicles?

Money and finances must be balanced with family, work, health, friendship, leisure and taking care of yourself. Any neglect or imbalance in one area may generate overcompensation in other areas, which strangely enough, throws you right back to being out of balance again. Forget being balanced and identify the right rhythm to your life and focus on staying in rhythm.

5. When establishing a goal, ask yourself, “What is good enough?” and also know what reaching a goal will do

The goal of “more money” can never be reached, because it has no end point. More money, like perfection is a quest that’s never satisfied. Instead, think about the level of influence and impact you want to have in specific areas and let that determine your money goal.

It is important to know what achieving a goal will do in order to distinguish clearly what it will not do. If you’re read through one of the gifts that I’ve given you on the 17 common money storylines, then you should be aware of some of the things money can’t do. Reaching a monetary goal will not undo the past, make your marriage better or make other troubles go away. This is one reason why I stress the importance of mastering the emotional language of money, for it truly is a secret language that determines your success in money mastery.

6. The only familiar territory is behind you

Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard said, “Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.” If worrying about the future fills your present, then both will be diminished.

As scary as taking bold steps forward to live into your new money story might seem, remember that you’ll never do anything important that will feel comfortable in the beginning. Your capacity to endure uncertainty is the essence of growth.

So, whatever your new money story calls for you to do, do it afraid. That’s what courage looks like…doing the unfamiliar afraid, until it becomes familiar and no longer scary.

7. Seek out suggestions, critique and professional advice

While it’s been said one the best investments you can make is in knowledge, the only other better investment you can make is in the specified knowledge you get from someone who’s been down the path you are embarking on. That’s where consulting with a mentor-coach to help you identify, deconstruct and construct a new money story for you will pay the highest dividends to you.

At times this may be difficult emotionally, when it would seem easier to consult (really collude) with someone who would mirror and agree with your own opinions. Taking the easier route would be fatal to your end goal. Seeking the help of professional advice from mentors and coaches, who are not only objective but can help unearth the treasures that lie within you, is something that quite frankly is invaluable.

Read this as many times as necessary so you can internalize each consideration. Then put it to good use in constructing your new money story. As you do, you’ll find that you are getting more fluent with the emotional language of money.

Needless to say, I believe it’s imperative you become fluent on the emotional language of money. It’s the secret sauce to creating a financially empowered life, designed around your purpose, the brings fulfillment and satisfaction beyond even your wildest dreams. It’s part of my calling and life work. It’s changed my life and the life of my clients for the better. It will have dramatic impact on your life too once you discard your old money story and live into a new one that you co-author with me as your trusted guide. I know you’re ready to start the journey to creating the life you can’t wait to live. We can get started right after you take the assessment and then book a call so we can chat!


That life you desire, that life you’ve been dreaming of, that sense of purpose, success and fulfillment that you know is your birth right, all of that is within your reach. It can ALL happen easily and effortlessly for you by simply taking your first step and completing the assessment and then booking a call so we can chat!


It’s time to construct a powerful new money story that empowers you to live the life you’ve always dreamed of!


With Abundance & Fulfillment,


3 Secrets To Developing The Superpower Of Belief

3 Secrets To Developing The Superpower Of Belief

Think you canthink you can’t; either way you‘ll be right.” ~ Henry Ford

I have a confession to make.  I’m addicted to success.  Actually, I’m obsessed by it. And if you knew the full extent of my story, you’d understand why!

After I suffered significant losses to my domestic and international investments right after the tech bubble of 2001, ended up unemployed for almost 18 months in which time real estate investment properties I held went into foreclose due to tenants not being able to pay their rent and my loss of income, I ended up filing bankruptcy.  If I hadn’t had belief in God’s purpose for my life and his ability to turn my life around, I know I wouldn’t have ended up with a 7-figure net worth and over 6 figures in passive income just 5 years after my bankruptcy filing.

Needless to say, I’m a big believer in the superpowers of belief.  If you are ready for a financially empowered life you can’t wait to live, one that’s designed around your purpose and that brings immense success, satisfaction and fulfillment beyond even your wildest dreams, one of your first steps will to develop the superpower of belief in you.  To help you in that endeavor, I’d like to share 3 secrets to developing the superpower of belief.


1. Think success, don’t think failure. Whether at work or in your home, substitute success thinking for failure thinking. When you face a difficult situation, think, “I’ll win,” not “I’ll probably lose. When you compete with someone else, think, “I’m equal to the best,” not “I’m outclassed.” When opportunity appears, think “I can do it,” never “I can’t.” Let the master thought “I will succeed” dominate your thinking process. Thinking success conditions your mind to create plans that produce success. Thinking failure does the exact opposite. Failure thinking conditions the mind to think other thoughts that produce failure. Disbelief is a negative power. When your mind disbelieves or doubts, the mind attracts “reasons” to support the disbelief. Simply put, think doubt and fail. Think victory and succeed.

2. Remind yourself regularly that you are better than you think you are. It’s been said that Mohammed Ali, the greatest boxer of all time, hired someone just to follow him around all day and tell him he was the greatest. What if you had someone following you around all day, whispering in your ear, you’re the best, no one can stop you, you’re the greatest, you’ve got this. Imagine the impact these words could have to your life. From Japanese researcher Dr Masaru Emoto we’ve learned that positive words positively impact water’s molecular structure and ability to form crystals, just as negative words negatively impact water’s molecular structure and its ensuing ability to form crystals. Dr. Emoto’s scientific research only proves what the Bible has long told us, that the power of life and death is in our tongues. What we say about ourselves and about our future has a directly correlation to the future we create for ourselves. You can watch a video on Dr. Emoto’s research on YouTube here at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bm0h3DXs6-4

Now, you have both biblical and scientific reasons to only speak positive words over yourself and to remind yourself that you are better than you think you are. Remember, successful people are just ordinary folks who have developed belief in themselves and what they do. Never – yes, never – Sell yourself short by speaking negative words over your potential and future.

3. Believe Big. The size of your success is determined by the size of your belief. Think little goals and you can expect little achievements. Think big goals and you can expect big successes. One last thing. Do remember that big ideas and big plans are often easier and certainly require no more effort than small ideas and small plans. That’s why Les Brown says to shoot for the moon and if you miss, at least you’ll be among the stars.

Sit with this, meditate on it, internalize it and when you become “ONE” with these 3 secrets to developing the superpower of belief, you’ll realize that you now possess the one thing within you that guarantees success in life. Those secrets I shared came from a book I highly recommend, The Magic Of Thinking Big, by David. J. Schwartz, PH.D

Needless to say, I’m a big believer in the superpowers of belief. I get the sense you might be too. And even if you don’t have the requisite amount of belief to live the life you’ve been waiting all these years to live, I’ve got good news for you. You can borrow my belief in you until you believe in yourself as much or more than I do. That’s one of many benefits clients get from a private coaching relationship with me. You can enjoy those same benefits as well if that’s something that’s of interest to you. Just take the assessment and then book a call so we can chat!


If you think you can create a financially empowered life you can’t wait to live, one that’s designed around your purpose and that brings immense success, satisfaction and fulfillment beyond even your wildest dreams, you can. If you think you can’t, just borrow my “you can” until it turns your “I can’t” to an “I can.”

That can happen easily and effortlessly for you by simply taking your first step and completing the assessment and then booking a call so we can chat!


Cheers to you thinking BIG!

With Abundance & Fulfillment,


6 Guidelines For Finding Your Purpose

6 Guidelines For Finding Your Purpose

“Purpose is the place where your deep gladness meets the world’s needs” ~ Frederick Buechner

To waste 30 years of your life working for a company that isn’t fulfilling your life purpose is s complete waste of three decades.  When people tell me that they are overwhelmed by life, that’s usually a clue they are not in purpose.  When you are in purpose, you have passion on your side.  Passion ignites and drives you.  It gives you the discipline needed to overcome every obstacle on your journey to your greatest aspiration.

Beyond the levels of satisfaction and fulfillment that come from living out your purpose in life, another reason why it’s paramount to get into fulfilling your purpose is that it’s the answer to increasing the flow of money into your life.

What is it that you do uniquely well and enjoy doing more than anything else?  Perhaps you have something you do better than others.  Or perhaps there’s something you so completely enjoy that it galvanizes you and brings out the best in you.  To find your purpose, look no further than your passion.  You can start that search by following these 6 guidelines I learned from Dave, one of my mentors:

  1. Get curious

    Embrace the fact that you don’t know what your purpose is and simply begin to ask, “Why?” Why am I here? Why am I driven by “X”?, Why am I motivated by “Y”? Why am I passionate about “Z”? Develop a hunger to understand the new, unknown and unfamiliar.

  2. Engage

    It’s tough to find passion without leaving the house. Hermits by definition are not passionate people for all of their energy isn’t being directed anywhere outside of their home.  Passion is directed energy, and revealing it requires that you create opportunities to engage in new activities, meet new people and get out of your comfort zone.  Get comfortable saying “Yes” when you normally might have said “No.”

  3. Get out of the details

    Passion requires that you take a big-picture view of things and see things from the 30,000-foot level versus being stuck in the minutia of it all. Book an appointment with yourself on your calendar for this time of reflection

  4. Think back to when you were a kid

    At one point in time, we all felt passion. Children have boatloads of it by default, but over time it has a way of slipping away.  Spend some time mentally revisiting your childhood.  Reflect on times when you were most engaged, vibrant and alive.  What did you love?  Why did you love? What did you want to be when you grew up?

  5. Recruit help

    Sometimes we can’t see the forest from the trees. You may find it necessary to enlist the help of others to help you find your passion.  Working with a mentor or a coach should be high on your priority list.  Others that may provide insights for you could be a close friend or spouse/partner who can tell you when they’ve seen you really come alive.  Sharing your quest with a professional or others will prove to be a valuable experience for you.  You won’t regret opening up this way to others that can help you.

  6. Move on

    An old dog lies half-asleep on the port of a general store, moaning and groaning in the sun. After watching him go on like that for a few minutes, a customer asks the store owner, “Why is your dog acting that way?”

    “Oh, him,” the store owner says, “that’s Homer.  Homer’s fussin’ cause he’s lyin’ on a nail.”

    “Well, why doesn’t he move?”

    “Cause it ain’t hurtin’ him bad enough.”

    You can become so absorbed in your story of financial hardship that you can’t focus on anything else.  When I lost millions to a Ponzi-scheme and the SEC wanted to hold me responsible for me and my clients’ losses, it seemed like I held onto that story for years much like a scarlet letter had been etched into my chest.

    It’s easy to get into a rut of telling our stories of loss and how unfair the system is.  Frankly, we’d tell that story over and over again to ourselves and to anyone who will listen….the boyfriend or girlfriend who left, the cheating spouse who wrecked your marriage, the scheming business partner who stole from you, the lousy boss, the job we can’t stand but can’t quit, the government, the economy….the list goes on and on

    While there may be some truth or even a whole lot of truth to any of these stories, at the end of the day they are just that, stories.  There comes a time in your life when you just need to move on, when you just need to get off the nail you’ve been lying on before you can see clearly enough to find your passion and ultimately, your purpose.

I hope you find these 6 guidelines helpful in your quest for finding your purpose.  I believe there is no more noble cause in life.  It’s been said that the two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why?

Today, I stand on the sidelines, rooting for and cheering you on in your quest to find your purpose.  It’s something I take very seriously and is a part of the work I do in my Total Money Language Mastery one on one coaching program.  If that’s something that would interest you, take the assessment and then book a call so we can chat!


Out of all the gifts I could give you, the gift of finding and living into your purpose is one of the best ones I could pass onto you.  It’s made a profound difference in my life and in the lives of the clients I serve.  Here’s what one of my clients had to say:

I hired Ike to be my life coach during one of the toughest seasons in my life!  In just a few short sessions, he helped to guide me towards a path of success and purpose!” ~ Chanel E. Martin, CEO PNTHRClaw Consulting

Rooting for and cheering you on your quest!

“If a life unexamined isn’t worth living, perhaps the unexamined life is truly worth living? ~ Socrates & Ike Ikokwu

A life built around your purpose is really the only life worth living.  It’s the life where purpose and passion meet to let money flow abundantly into you so you experience money and life abundantly.

You can embark upon that life by taking your first step and completing the assessment and then book a call so we can chat!



With Abundance & Fulfillment,


Like Sports, Making The Right Trades Is The Key To Winning In Life

In today’s video story, you’ll learn how to handle one of life’s biggest mysteries. It’s what I call the Tradeoff. In life, we are always making trades. As an employee, you trade your hours for the compensation you are paid. When you get tired of your job and feel like you’ve got more to offer the world and you want more flexibility in your life, then you go into business for yourself. As a business owner, you’ll initially trade more and more of your time in the hopes of building a business that will one day give you the financial and time freedom you desire. The key to winning in life then is to simply make the right trades. No different with football, basketball or any other sport. The right trade can sometimes make all the difference. It made the difference for the Golden State Warriors chance to avenge a loss to the Cleveland Cavaliers, in a year when the Warriors set the record for the most wins in a regular NBA season. Making the right trade, could make all the difference in your life as well. Watch the video to learn how to be on the right side of the trades you make.

This is my fifth video in what I hope to be a series of many videos that you will find that are a part of the #YourStoryCanSaveALifeChallenge on social media. That’s an effort that I’m leading with the hopes that sharing stories of triumph over adversity can help curb the tide of suicide globally. I hope you’ll join the movement by simply sharing your story on social media using #YourStoryCanSaveALifeChallenge and then challenging a few of your contacts to do the same by tagging them. Together, maybe we can save a life!

Enjoy the video and join the movement!

How To Turn Your Setback Into A Comeback

In today’s video story, you’ll learn how the lemons life throws at you can be turned into lemonade. You’ll get a glimpse of what it’s like to be hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. You’ll learn that every setback that you experience in life is really disguised as a setup for an incredible comeback.

This is my fourth video in what I hope to be a series of many videos that you will find that are a part of the #YourStoryCanSaveALifeChallenge on social media. That’s an effort that I’m leading with the hopes that sharing stories of triumph over adversity can help curb the tide of suicide globally. I hope you’ll join the movement by simply sharing your story on social media using #YourStoryCanSaveALifeChallenge and then challenging a few of your contacts to do the same by tagging them. Together, maybe we can save a life!

Enjoy the video and join the movement!

I Placed A Help Wanted Ad That Said “Angelic Assistance Needed” – Here’s What Happened!

In today’s video story, you’ll learn how certain levels of adversity can only be overcome with angelic assistance. Back when I used to regularly read a newspaper, I enjoyed looking at the classified section. I particularly enjoyed looking at the Help Wanted section. This was in part because I was always looking for what I could do by way of working an odd job or two, to help meet a financial need. In life, you will experience certain levels of adversity (need) that can only be overcome by placing a Help Wanted Ad that says, “Angelic Assistance Needed.” If that’s what it takes to get you over the hump, then like Nike says, “Just Do It!”

This is my third video in what I hope to be a series of many videos that you will find that are a part of the #YourStoryCanSaveALifeChallenge on social media. That’s an effort that I’m leading with the hopes that sharing stories of triumph over adversity can help curb the tide of suicide globally. I hope you’ll join the movement by simply sharing your story on social media using #YourStoryCanSaveALifeChallenge and then challenging a few of your contacts to do the same by tagging them. Together, maybe we can save a life!

Enjoy the video and join the movement!